Mar 24, 2022

The Fiegi Report – March 24, 2022

Written By: Ryan Fiegi

Happy Tax Season everyone! Only 25 days left to file your returns… but who’s counting. Here is this week’s Report:

Summary: The short (1:32 minute) video above is from an interview with John Bogle. For those that don’t know, John Bogle was the founder of Vanguard and helped pioneer the philosophy of passive, long-term, low-cost investing.

Conclusion: John’s advice seems easy:

  1. Setup an asset allocation that works for you
  2. Diversify your portfolio
  3. Stay the course, and don’t “peek” at your statements (i.e., pay no attention to what goes on around you)

However, these 3 principles are virtually impossible for the majority of investors to achieve. There is countless evidence that supports the idea that most investors underperform their ability. Why? It’s human nature to try and “pick the winners” and to “peek” at your investments. Don’t be most investors and make bad decisions based on the results you see on your statements. Let PFG help guide your behavior. We’ll stop you from changing course depending on which way the wind is blowing that day. We’ll even help find the cardiologist to be in the room with you when you finally “peek!” 🙂


Monthly Quote:

“Don’t look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!”

-John Bogle

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