Oct 4, 2024

Try to Pay More in Taxes

Written By: Nate Williams

This video teaches an important financial lesson that is not generally accepted among doctors: the wealthiest doctors always pay the most in income taxes. In America we have an income tax system. More income = more taxes. But this is also true: More Income = Opportunity to build more wealth.

Therefore, as doctors try to increase their income and their wealth, they are likewise trying to increase their taxes, whether they acknowledge that fact or not.

My point of “try to pay more in taxes” is not a political comment. I don’t write tax laws and my vote counts as much as yours – not for much. I formed this view because I am trying to help you win financially.

In summary, here’s the advice:

  • Don’t obsess about paying too much in taxes; if you feel that way, you’re probably doing something right!
  • The goal should not be to minimize, but to “manage” taxes.

We will guide you through this process.

As a full disclaimer, YES, of course we want you to take all the tax deductions you should take – the ones that will help you build wealth.

If after watching this video you’re still not convinced that paying more taxes is just a sign of your success, and you still want to lower your tax liability further, I’ll be happy to charge you whatever you want to pay as a “consulting” fee; you can give me the income and I’ll pay the tax! 😊

Oh, and feel free to listen on 2x speed!

Check it out here: Try to Pay More in Taxes

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